The Automated Manifest System (AMS) is a multi-modular cargo inventory control and release notification system.
AMS interfaces directly with Customs Cargo Selectivity and In-Bond systems, and indirectly with ABI, allowing faster identification and release of low risk shipments. AMS speeds the flow of cargo and entry processing and provides participants with electronic authorization to move cargo release prior to arrival. Any shipment (air or ocean) to the United States must file AMS.

AMS Requirement:
1. House B/L
2. Master B/L with carrier scac code
3. Type of movement
4. Shipper information
5. Consignee information
6. Notify party information
7. Vessel name and voyage number
8. Port of loading
9. Port of discharge
10. ETA
11. ETD
12. Container number
13. Seal number
14. Commodity description
15. Commodity number
16. Number of units
17. Total weight

Information above must be as same as B/L, and manifest 24 hours before boarding. Penalty for incorrect consignee is $1000 - $5000 USD. Penalty for not filing on time is $700 - $5000 USD. In order to reduce the chance of costly penalties and delays, please make sure information is correct and send to us 4 days before boarding. You can check AMS status on our website Any question regarding to AMS, please email to

The AMS filing service is provided on an "AS IS" basis without warranty of any kind. To the extent permitted by law, Logistics Pan America corp. disclaims all warranties without limitation, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The entire risk arising out remains with the Customer. To the extent permitted by law, Logistics Pan America corp. shall in no event be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or any other damages (including Liquidated Damages as provided for in AMS and Additional Carrier Requirements, Final Rule.) whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, loss of data or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use “AMS Filing service”.