AMS Filing (*Required fields) |
*Company Name(您的公司名): |
*Your Name(您的名字): |
*Your E-Mail(邮箱地址): |
*1. Carrier/MBL: |
/ |
*2. HBL: |
*3. Type of Movement: |
*4. Shipper(托运公司名称和地址): |
*5. Consignee(收貨商名称和地址): |
*6. Notify Party(通知方名称和地址): |
*7. Vessel Name / Voyage #(船名/航次号): |
*8. Port of Loading(装货港): |
*9. Port of Discharge(卸货港): |
*10. ETD(预计开船时间): |
*11. ETA(预计到港时间): |
*12. Container #: (箱号) |
*13. SEAL #: (箱封号) |
*14. Comm. Discription: (进口商品描述) |
*15. Commodity #: (进口商品税号) |
*16. # of Unites: (数量/单位) |
*17. Total Weight: (总重) |
I acknowledge that I have completed this form correctly, and understood
work procedure and terms and conditions. |